Cooperative Development Fund (CDF)

The Cooperative Development Fund (CDF) is a support program implemented to strengthen cooperatives in Turkey. This fund gives priority to cooperatives that include refugees and migrants as partner members, employees, or suppliers. The grants provided under the program help cooperatives grow their businesses, increase their capacity, and create sustainable job opportunities.

By supporting projects that promote inclusivity and entrepreneurs offering innovative solutions, the CDF contributes to economic recovery processes. It specifically aims to revitalize economic activities for communities affected by crises such as conflict, climate change, and displacement. The program also takes steps to repair essential infrastructure and provide financial support in these communities.

The Cooperative Development Fund focuses on cooperatives struggling to survive due to challenges they face, with the goal of increasing their resilience and promoting economic development.

Application Details


The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is focusing on supporting the development of cooperatives in order to accelerate economic recovery and enhance resilience in Turkey. The Cooperative Development Fund (CDF) aims to strengthen cooperatives across Turkey, giving priority to those managed by women and those with refugees and migrants among their members or employees.

Designed in alignment with Turkey's 12th National Development Plan, this program offers specially tailored grants to help cooperatives increase their capacities, expand their businesses, and create sustainable employment opportunities. The program also aims to support activities that will enhance the resilience and life skills of participating individuals. By particularly supporting cooperatives facing challenges, the CDF promotes economic recovery, enhances social resilience, and empowers women leaders. Additionally, the fund encourages innovative and sustainable solutions that support inclusivity and long-term growth.

IOM's broader objectives include rebuilding essential economic infrastructure, providing financial support to women-led cooperatives, and revitalizing economic activities. The program aims to create new employment opportunities, support sustainable livelihoods, and offer businesses the chance to invest in their futures. In this context, IOM is announcing a call for project proposals for the Cooperative Development Fund, specifically targeting cooperatives managed by women in the provinces of Adana, Adıyaman, Hatay, Gaziantep, Şanlıurfa, Kilis, Kahramanmaraş, or Mardin. Financial grants will be awarded following a rigorous evaluation process based on the cooperatives' needs, their potential for job creation, and the robustness of their business plans. The CDF aims to provide practical capital support to help these cooperatives grow and enhance their capacity to create meaningful employment


  • The cooperative must be legally registered in Adana, Adıyaman, Hatay, Gaziantep, Şanlıurfa, Kilis, Kahramanmaraş, or Mardin provinces.
  • Although the project application is open to all cooperatives, cooperatives led by women and those with women in executive positions will be prioritized.
  • The cooperative must have at least 10 registered members.
  • The cooperative must include refugees and/or migrants among its members or employees, or be willing and open to including new refugee/migrant women as partners, members, or employees.
  • The cooperative must have been actively operating for at least the last 12 months.
  • Only applications directly submitted by the cooperative will be accepted. Applications made through third parties will not be considered.


Priority will be given to cooperatives that demonstrate the following attributes:

  • A commitment to increasing the number of members or workers who benefit directly from the cooperative’s activities.
  • An active dedication to social impact, particularly through the inclusion of diverse groups such as people with disabilities and women, or by offering products and services that benefit both refugee and host communities.
  • Production of goods or services that foster unity between refugee and host community members, providing mutual benefits and promoting social cohesion.
  • Adoption of forward-thinking business practices that address climate challenges, including sustainable solutions, green production methods, recycling, the use of renewable energy, and efficient resource management.


When submitting your application, please ensure the following documents are included:

  • Tax Certificate
  • Co-operative Statute (Kooperatif Tüzüğü)
  • Co-operative Member List
  • Trade Registry Gazette
  • Chamber Registration Document
  • List of Insured Employment Service (If you have)
  • Letter of Tax Debt Status (If you have)
  • Letter of SGK Debt Status (If you have)
  • Corporate Tax Return or Annual Income Tax Return


Interested cooperatives must submit all the required documents listed above. If specific documents are unavailable, alternative documentation that provides similar information may be accepted at the discretion of the evaluation panel. The panel reserves the right to request additional information, documents, or clarification from any or all applicants as needed.


To ensure the accuracy of the information provided in the applications and business plans, IOM staff will conduct verification calls or site visits for all applicants. During this process, IOM will also engage with the cooperatives to discuss the specific business development support they will receive through the grant.


  • The maximum grant available for each cooperative is $10,000.
  • Grant funds will be disbursed based on the completion of agreed-upon milestones.


  • Before applying, please thoroughly review the entire Expression of Interest document to ensure your cooperative aligns with the program's objectives and requirements.
  • Go to the "Cooperative Development Fund Program" page on the IOM Türkiye EDF/CDF website at
  • Carefully examine the application details and eligibility criteria. If your cooperative qualifies, proceed to select your cooperative's location.
  • Fill out the grant application form, ensuring all requested information is provided, including detailed descriptions of your project and the total funding amount required.
  • All applications must be submitted online by 30/11/2024. 

Open Calls

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Frequently Asked Questions

Kooperatif Kalkınma Fonu’nun (CDF) amacı nedir?

Kooperatif Kalkınma Fonu (CDF), Türkiye’de faaliyet gösteren kooperatifleri güçlendirmeyi amaçlayan bir programdır. Özellikle mültecileri ve göçmenleri üye, çalışan veya tedarikçi olarak bünyesine katmaya istekli kooperatiflere destek sağlayarak, ekonomik toparlanmayı ve sosyal uyumu teşvik eder. Program, kooperatiflerin kapasitelerini artırmalarına, işlerini büyütmelerine ve sürdürülebilir iş fırsatları yaratmalarına katkıda bulunur.

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